Several people have asked us for permission to print these summaries for personal use. Go for it! In fact, here’s the entire thing in PDF (9MB). Download, print, and distribute to your party or when teaching the game in conventions. We only ask you to take a picture of your group trying out some dice rolls, and then send it to us, so we can post them on our FB page and the like. Try to capture that look of “waaaiiit, I can interpret this however I want”.
This PDF and these posts are, of course, fully fan-made creations, with no affiliation to FFG, who own all the rights to Edge of the Empire and the Star Wars games. Just in case that was, for some reason, unclear.
Starting with the next strip in the story, the party will actually be playing some bits of the EotE Beginner game – we promise no major spoilers, we’ll mostly focus on the characters and not on the story.
And in case you’re interested in more RP talk, check out this list of useful examples for weekly email questions, or the first part in which I claim it’s a really useful RP tool. Both are long, it’s a hefty subject.
Read this story arc from the beginning: Gathering the Party
A More Extensive Example of Making a Roll
Here’s an actual example of dice interpretation, if you’re up for it. RollPlay’s overview vid has a few more simple examples, starting around here.
Aerial chase amid the towers! Pash is riding a speeder at very high speeds in the upper reaches of Nar Shaddaa, the notorious Smugglers’ Moon, in an effort to escape the three slaver droids flying at higher speeds after him. It’s all one big misunderstanding, obviously – Pash would never dare cheating the slaver Azmorigan out of a deal. Right? Right.
His player is rolling to see if he can out-fly the droids and escape them. He’ll be using his Pilot skill* (rank 2), which is based on his Agility (; since each rank upgrades one green to yellow, he’ll be rolling
). The GM tells him the droids are quite relentless, and the difficulty is
. He’ll also be adding
– one for the many bridges and antennas in his way (Nar Shaddaa is really crowded) and one for the faulty engine of his speeder (really should have fixed it, dude). Because the GM feels this is an interesting chase, she decides to flip a Dark Side Destiny token in order to upgrade one purple Difficulty die to a
. The stakes are now higher.
He’s rolling this dice pool:
And these are the results, after all Successes and Failures cancel each other, as well as all Advantages and Threats canceling each other:
So what happened? The GM and Pash’s player decide together. First, did he succeed in what he was trying to do? (escaping the droids) Yes, and quite well, with 3 Successes. Everything else builds around this – and so, the GM decides to use the most obviously interesting symbol, the
Despair, to say how he succeeded.
Pushing his semi-trusted speeder to its limits, Pash rounds a corner with a sharp angle – too sharp. The speeder comes swirling around, out of control, and Pash barely manages to stop it, by running it through a wide opening in what seems like a lovely balcony. The room inside is quite lovely as well, although the rich-looking twi’lek woman is both surprised and angry at the sudden arrival of the scruffy-looking nerf herder, and his now-smoking speeder.
Pash managed to lose the droids for now – by crashing uninvited into a party and damaging his speeder! Kinda harsh. The GM sees this as an opportunity to change the pace of the scene, and so, she’ll be using the Advantages in a way that encourages furthering the story in a new way.
As smoke rises from the faulty speeder and the green-skinned twi’lek calls for her bodyguards, Pash smiles weakly and says something sudden and funny – Pash’s player, what does he say? The twi’lek smiles widely, as the one-liner manages to disarm the situation. Now finding Pash as an amusing distraction, Pash starts off this next scene with a generally pleased NPC (thanks to one Advantage), who even finds him funny (thanks to the 2nd
Advantage; he’ll be adding a
for his next interaction with her).
The droids will likely find him soon, so Pash better get on his way. Have a fun adventure!
*This is from the Beginner Game; in the full game, piloting is divided between space and planetary vehicles. But even more important, Pash’s player might have been able to use a different skill altogether, depending on how he’ll describe his effort: Streetwise to out-smart them and lose them in the streets and alleys, Underworld or Outer Rim to remember the layout of the place and find a hidden cove, or even Mechanics to find some droid-disturbing energy field to fly through, or Cool to just stop somewhere and blend in the crowd. Pash isn’t any good with any of these skills (and some of them don’t exist in the Beginner Game anyway) but his Pilot is great, so let’s stick with a Pilot roll for this example.