Parents! Everyone must have had some, at some point of their life. Because that’s how you get to live.

Sometimes they come for a visit! That’s a thing that happens.

It’s a pretty common occurrence, actually, when you live about 5 hours flight-time away, and said parents don’t totally agree with your decision to leave the country in the first place. Both Aviv and I have very loving mothers, and one of the things they love is seeing us more than twice a year (on our biannual visits to Israel). They usually come for a weekend, or a short week, sometimes along with other family members. I think Aviv will agree with me about the claim that it’s a welcomed, even if a bit stressing, time.

The first time, however, that first visit, is the most stressing of all.

Read this story arc from the beginning: Comic Can’t

In other news, we decided to move the podcast back to Mondays, because Saturday was strange and confusing and we always almost forgot to make an episode.